Of Birds and Berries

Last weekend we noticed a flurry of bird activity in the backyard.  The perpetrators were a large number of American Robins feasting on a bush which was loaded with red berries. Closer inspection revealed a number of smaller birds – Cedar Waxwings – were also partaking of the feast. There must have been over 50 robins in the area, flying in and out of the bush. You could hear the excitement in their voices as they devoured the berries. The lower photo shows how loaded the bush was. And in a matter of hours all the berries were gone. Several robins were picking up any berries that had fallen to the ground. The berries have been on the bush for a few months but somehow they must have seemed “just right” to the birds at this time.

American Robins and Cedar Waxwings feasting on red berries

A Google search leads me to believe that the bush with the red berries is a Pyracantha, though I am not entirely sure. You will be surprised how hard it is to identify a plant with an obvious feature like bright red berries. And plants do not move around or disappear on you.

Birds feeding on red berries

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